Monday, July 13, 2009


hey is am so sorry i havnt been on my blog for so long! but the other day we went for a LONG four- wheeler ride and it was so fun i am not sure where we went but i do know it was on top of a mountain and you could see afton wyoming!! it was so cool! we went with my aunt and uncle sadie and shea. they took my grandmas four-wheeler and it was stupid!! it was the stupidest four-wheeler ever!! we hand to stop every five minutes cuz it kept turning off when every she tried to climb a little hill!! it was rediculous!! but the four- wheeler was a polaris so that is probably why!! plus me and my brother got to go snow boarding cuz there was still some snow up there!! here are some pics off the ride!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


hey!! about my header, my name is not really alison. that is just what one of my besties call me.....costner eborn. he is so awesome and i love him to death!!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

~Ski School~

Ok so ski school just started last week and it was awesome!!! I LOVE IT!!!! But the only part I don't like is that I fell on my stupid tailbone and it killed!!! Now it hurts everyday now! But other than that I love it!!! In my group I have all my friends: Harry, S, Arg, Shelbi, and Amber. IT ROX!!! I don't have any pictures but when i do I will post them on here as soon as I can!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

~Me and My Dads song~

I got the new Taylor Swift CD for Christmas and this is my favorite song on there because it reminds me of me and my dad. I LOVE IT!!! Here are the lyrics:


Friday, January 2, 2009

~Snow Day~

It finally snowed again!! Here are some pictures of us kids.

